Falcon Namespace Reference

CONST. More...


namespace  core
 Core module namespace This namespace contains the extension functions that the falcon scripts are expecting to be able to access in every circumstance.
namespace  csh
 Core string utility namespace.
namespace  Engine
namespace  Sys
namespace  TestSuite
namespace  traits


class  AccessError
class  AliasMap
 ( const String *, Symbol * ) More...
class  Allocator
 Standard falcon allocator. More...
class  ArrayDecl
 Class storing array declarations in source code. More...
class  AttribMap
 Specialized attribute map. More...
class  AutoCString
 Automatically converts and allocate temporary memory for C strings. More...
class  AutoWString
 Automatically converts and allocate temporary memory for C wide character strings. More...
class  BaseAlloc
class  BaseFileStream
 File stream base class. More...
class  Baton
 Baton concurrency controller class. More...
class  CacheObject
class  CallPoint
class  CharPtrCmp
 Utility class to char pointers. More...
class  ClassDef
 Class symbol abstraction. More...
class  CloneError
class  CodeError
class  Compiler
 FALCON source compiler. More...
class  Complex
class  ContextList
class  CoreArray
 Core array (or array of items). More...
class  CoreCarrier
class  CoreClass
 Representation of classes held in VM while executing code. More...
class  CoreDict
class  CoreFunc
 Class implementing a live function in the VM. More...
class  CoreIterator
 Base abstract class for generic collection iterators. More...
class  CoreObject
 Base core object class. More...
class  CoreRange
class  CoreSlot
 Slot for messages sent around by the VM. More...
class  CoreSlotCarrier
 Class taking care of finalizing the core slots when they are published to scripts. More...
class  CoreSlotPtrTraits
 Traits for the core slots. More...
class  CoreString
 Garbage storage string. More...
class  CoreTable
class  CRObject
 Reflective Object with cache. More...
class  DeclarationContext
class  DeepItem
 Pure interface for deep item core data. More...
class  DependTable
 Module dependency table. More...
class  Destroyable
 Vitual destructor stub class for user defined pointers. More...
class  DetMemPool
 Deterministic Memory Pool. More...
class  DictDecl
class  DirEntry
 Directory entry. More...
class  DirEntry_unix
 Support for low level directory system for unix. More...
class  DirEntry_win
class  DllFunc
class  DllLoader_base
class  DllLoader_dl
class  DllLoader_Mac
class  DllLoader_win
class  ElementTraits
class  Error
 The Error class. More...
class  ErrorParam
 Error Parameter class. More...
class  Event
 Generic event class. More...
class  Expression
class  ExtFuncDef
 Implements an external function definition. More...
class  FalconData
 Common falcon inner object data infrastructure. More...
class  FalconObject
class  FileStat
 Multiplatform statistics on files. More...
class  FileStream
class  FileSysData
 Class storing system specific file data. More...
class  FlexyModule
 Flexible module class. More...
class  Format
 Item to string format class. More...
class  FuncDef
 Implements a callable symbol. More...
class  Garbageable
class  GarbageableBase
class  GarbageItem
 Creates a garbageable version of an item. More...
class  GarbageLock
 Protects an item from garbage collecting. More...
class  GarbagePage
 Garbageable pointer page. More...
class  GarbagePointer
 Implements a generic garbage shell for inner data. More...
class  GCAlloc
class  GenCode
class  Generator
class  GeneratorSeq
class  GenericError
class  GenericVector
 Generic typeless vector. More...
class  GenHAsm
class  GenTree
class  GPageList
class  HeapMem
 HeapMem class. More...
class  HeapMem_Linux
class  HeapMem_Win32
class  ImportAlias
 Implements an imported symbol. More...
class  InheritDef
 Inheritance definition. More...
class  InputStream
class  InteractiveCompiler
 Interactive compiler. More...
class  InterruptedError
class  IntTraits
class  IoError
class  Item
 Basic item abstraction. More...
class  ItemArray
class  ItemDict
 Base class for item dictionaries. More...
class  ItemList
 List of Falcon items. More...
class  ItemListElement
 Element of a standard list of Falcon items. More...
class  ItemPage
 Item page. More...
class  ItemSet
 Set of Falcon items. More...
class  ItemSetElement
 Element of a standard set of Falcon items. More...
class  ItemTraits
class  Iterator
 Base abstract class for generic Item sequence/collection iterators. More...
class  LinearDict
class  LinearDictEntry
 Class representing one element in a dictionary. More...
class  LineMap
 Line information map. More...
class  LinkableElement
 Element for LinkedList class. More...
class  LinkedList
 Linked list class. More...
class  List
 Generic list. More...
class  ListElement
 Generic list element. More...
class  ListTraits
class  LiveModule
 Instance of a live module entity. More...
class  LiveModuleMap
 Map of active modules in this VM. More...
class  LiveModulePtrTraits
class  Map
 Generic Map. More...
class  MapIterator
class  MapPtrOwnTraits
class  MapPtrTraits
class  MathError
class  MemBlock
class  MemBuf
class  MemBuf_1
class  MemBuf_2
class  MemBuf_3
class  MemBuf_4
class  MemPage
class  MemPageList
class  MemPool
 Storage pit for garbageable data. More...
class  MessageError
class  Module
 Module class abstraction. More...
class  ModuleDep
 Structure holding live dependency informations. More...
class  ModuleDepData
 Class storing dependency data. More...
class  ModuleLoader
 Module Loader support. More...
class  ModuleMap
 Map of module names-> modules. More...
class  ModuleVector
 Vector of ModuleDep objects. More...
class  Mutex
 Generic mutex class. More...
class  OutputStream
class  PageDict
class  ParamError
class  ParseError
class  Path
 Falcon path representation. More...
class  PCODE
class  PoopSeq
struct  PropEntry
 Descriptor of single property. More...
class  PropertyTable
 Very simple double entry table for pure properties. More...
class  RampLoose
class  RampMode
 Ramp-up GC parameters base class. More...
class  RampSmooth
class  RampStrict
 Enforces a strict inspection policy. More...
class  RangeDecl
class  RangeSeq
class  RawStdErrStream
 Standard Error Stream encapsulation. More...
class  RawStdInStream
 Standard Input Stream encapsulation. More...
class  RawStdOutStream
 Standard Output Stream encapsulation. More...
class  Refcounter
class  ReflectObject
class  ROStringStream
 Read only string stream for fast operations. More...
class  Runnable
 Runnable base class. More...
class  Runtime
 Runtime code representation. More...
class  SafeItem
class  SegregatedPage
 Definition of a segregated allocation page. More...
class  Sequence
 Abstract sequence class. More...
class  Service
 Service class. More...
class  SLElement
 Element for StrongList class. More...
class  SmallMemBlockAlloc
 Small Memory Block Allocator. More...
class  SourceTree
 Source File syntactic tree. More...
class  SrcLexer
class  StackFrameList
class  Statement
class  StatementList
 Typed strong list holding statements. More...
class  StdErrStream
 Standard Error Stream proxy. More...
class  StdInStream
 Standard Input Stream proxy. More...
class  StdOutStream
 Standard Output Stream proxy. More...
class  StdStream
class  StmtAutoexpr
class  StmtBlock
class  StmtBreak
class  StmtCallable
 Module statement. More...
class  StmtCaseBlock
class  StmtCatchBlock
class  StmtClass
class  StmtConditional
class  StmtContinue
class  StmtElif
class  StmtExpression
class  StmtFordot
class  StmtForin
class  StmtFunction
class  StmtGive
class  StmtGlobal
class  StmtIf
class  StmtLaunch
class  StmtLoop
class  StmtLoopCtl
 Loop control statements (break and continue). More...
class  StmtNone
class  StmtRaise
class  StmtReturn
class  StmtSelect
 Statement select. More...
class  StmtSelfPrint
class  StmtSwitch
 Statement switch. More...
class  StmtTry
class  StmtUnref
class  StmtVarDef
class  StmtWhile
class  Stream
 Base class for file and filelike services. More...
class  StreamBuffer
 Buffered version of basic stream. More...
class  String
 Core string This class is called "Core String" because it represents the strings as the internal VM and engine sees them. More...
class  StringGarbage
class  StringPtrCmp
 Core string comparer class. More...
class  StringPtrOwnTraits
class  StringPtrTraits
class  StringStream
class  StringStreamService
class  StringTable
class  StringTraits
class  StringWithID
 Pair of strings and their ID. More...
class  StrongList
 Strong linked list class. More...
class  Symbol
 Representation of a VM symbol For now, it is only an accessible strucutre. More...
class  SymbolList
class  SymbolTable
class  SymbolVector
class  SymModule
 Pair of the symbol and the module it is declared in. More...
class  SymModuleMap
 Map of symbol names and module where they are located. More...
class  SymModuleTraits
class  SyntaxError
class  SystemTime
 Empty SystemTime class. More...
struct  SYSTH_DATA
class  SysThread
 System Thread class. More...
class  TableError
struct  tag_cp_iso_uint_table
struct  tag_MapPage
struct  tag_StackFrame
class  ThreadParams
 Thread creation parameters. More...
class  ThreadSpecific
 Thread Specific data. More...
class  TimeStamp
 TimeStamp class. More...
class  Tokenizer
 Base tokenizer base class. More...
class  TokenizerParams
 Parameters for the tokenizer. More...
class  TraceStep
class  Transcoder
 Basic transcoder class. More...
class  TranscoderByte
 Transparent byte oriented encoder. More...
class  TranscoderEOL
 EOL Transcoder. More...
class  TranscoderUTF16
 UTF-16 encoding transcoder. More...
class  TranscoderUTF8
 UTF-8 encoding transcoder. More...
class  TypeError
class  uint_pair
 Prefect hash base structure. More...
class  UnixFileSysData
 Unix specific stream service support. More...
class  UnixSystemTime
class  URI
 RFC 3986 - Uniform Resource Identifier. More...
class  Value
class  ValuePtrTraits
class  VarDef
 Variable initial value definition. More...
class  VFSFile
 VSF provider for physical file system on the host system. More...
class  VFSProvider
 Base class for Falcon Virtual File System Providers. More...
class  VMachine
 The Falcon virtual machine. More...
class  VMachineWrapper
class  VMBaton
class  VMContext
 Class representing a coroutine execution context. More...
class  VMEvent
 Virtual machine events This class is thrown inside the VM to communicate special requests to the listening application. More...
class  VMEventQuit
class  VMEventReturn
class  VMMessage
 Asynchronous message for the Virtual Machine. More...
class  VoidpTraits
class  WinFileSysData
 Win specific stream service support. More...
class  WinSystemTime


typedef unsigned char byte
typedef unsigned char * bytearray
typedef void ** CommOpsTable
typedef struct
typedef char * cstring
typedef DllLoader_dl DllLoader
typedef Module *(CDECL * ext_mod_init )()
typedef HeapMem_Linux HeapMem
typedef short int int16
typedef int int32
typedef long long int int64
typedef char int8
typedef struct Falcon::tag_MapPage MAP_PAGE
typedef double numeric
typedef CoreObject *(* ObjectFactory )(const CoreClass *cls, void *user_data, bool bDeserializing)
 Defines the core object factory function type.
typedef void(* reflectionFunc )(CoreObject *instance, void *user_data, Item &property, const PropEntry &entry)
 Callback function for reflective properties needing complete reflection.
typedef void reflectionFuncDecl (CoreObject *instance, void *user_data, Item &property, const PropEntry &entry)
typedef struct
typedef Refcounter< Hstring > StringRef
typedef void(* tOpcodeHandler )(register VMachine *)
typedef unsigned short int uint16
typedef unsigned int uint32
typedef unsigned long long int uint64
typedef byte uint8
typedef void * voidp


enum  t_origin {
  e_orig_compiler = 1, e_orig_assembler = 2, e_orig_loader = 3, e_orig_vm = 4,
  e_orig_script = 5, e_orig_runtime = 9, e_orig_mod = 10
enum  t_reflection {
  e_reflectNone = 0, e_reflectBool, e_reflectByte, e_reflectChar,
  e_reflectShort, e_reflectUShort, e_reflectInt, e_reflectUInt,
  e_reflectLong, e_reflectULong, e_reflectLL, e_reflectULL,
  e_reflectFloat, e_reflectDouble, e_reflectFunc, e_reflectSetGet
 Reflection type enumeration. More...
enum  TimeZone {
  tz_local = 0, tz_UTC = 1, tz_UTC_E_1 = 2, tz_UTC_E_2 = 3,
  tz_UTC_E_3 = 4, tz_UTC_E_4 = 5, tz_UTC_E_5 = 6, tz_UTC_E_6 = 7,
  tz_UTC_E_7 = 8, tz_UTC_E_8 = 9, tz_UTC_E_9 = 10, tz_UTC_E_10 = 11,
  tz_UTC_E_11 = 12, tz_UTC_E_12 = 13, tz_UTC_W_1 = 14, tz_UTC_W_2 = 15,
  tz_UTC_W_3 = 16, tz_UTC_W_4 = 17, tz_UTC_W_5 = 18, tz_UTC_W_6 = 19,
  tz_UTC_W_7 = 20, tz_UTC_W_8 = 21, tz_UTC_W_9 = 22, tz_UTC_W_10 = 23,
  tz_UTC_W_11 = 24, tz_UTC_W_12 = 25, tz_NFT = 26, tz_ACDT = 27,
  tz_ACST = 28, tz_HAT = 29, tz_NST = 30, tz_NONE = 31


FALCON_DYN_SYM StreamAddSystemEOL (Stream *underlying, bool own=true)
 Adds just the sytem default EOL transcoding policy.
int32 atomicDec (volatile int32 &data)
 Performs an atomic thread safe decrement.
int32 atomicInc (volatile int32 &data)
 Performs an atomic thread safe increment.
typedef bool (CDECL *ext_func_frame_t)(VMachine *)
FALCON_DYN_SYM uint32 calcCstrHash (const char *cstring)
uint32 calcIntHash (const int32 number)
FALCON_DYN_SYM uint32 calcMemHash (const char *memory, uint32 size)
FALCON_DYN_SYM uint32 calcStringHash (const String &string)
int charToHex (const char elem)
void ContextList_deletor (void *)
FALCON_DYN_SYM Modulecore_module_init ()
template<class _T >
CoreObjectCoreCarrier_Factory (const CoreClass *cls, void *data, bool)
bool coreslot_broadcast_internal (VMachine *vm)
CoreObjectCoreSlotFactory (const CoreClass *cls, void *user_data, bool bDeserial)
CoreObjectCRFalconFactory (const CoreClass *cls, void *user_data, bool bDeserial)
 Factory function creating a partially reflective FalconData object.
CoreObjectCROpaqueFactory (const CoreClass *cls, void *user_data, bool bDeserial)
 Factory function creating a partially reflective non-shelled object.
CoreObjectCRSequenceFactory (const CoreClass *cls, void *user_data, bool bDeserial)
 Factory function creating a partially reflective Sequence object.
void cv_broadcast (pthread_cond_t &cv)
void cv_wait (pthread_cond_t &cv, pthread_mutex_t &mtx)
FALCON_DYN_SYM StreamDefaultTextTranscoder (Stream *underlying, bool own=true)
 Default text converter.
FALCON_DYN_SYM void * DflAccountMemAlloc (size_t amount)
FALCON_DYN_SYM void DflAccountMemFree (void *mem)
FALCON_DYN_SYM void * DflAccountMemRealloc (void *mem, size_t amount)
FALCON_DYN_SYM void * DflMemAlloc (size_t amount)
FALCON_DYN_SYM void DflMemFree (void *mem)
FALCON_DYN_SYM void * DflMemRealloc (void *mem, size_t amount)
template<typename rtype_ptr , typename stype >
rtype_ptr dyncast (stype *pSource)
uint16 endianInt16 (const uint16 param)
uint32 endianInt32 (const uint32 param)
uint64 endianInt64 (const uint64 param)
numeric endianNum (const numeric &param)
const StringerrorDesc (int errorCode)
 Returns the description of a falcon error.
CoreObjectFalconObjectFactory (const CoreClass *cls, void *data, bool bDeserializing)
 Factory function creating a standard complete FalconObject.
CoreObjectFalconSequenceFactory (const CoreClass *cls, void *data, bool bDeserializing)
 Factory function creating a standard complete FalconObject and holding a sequence.
FALCON_DYN_SYM void gcMemAccount (size_t memSize)
 Account allocated memory.
FALCON_DYN_SYM size_t gcMemAllocated ()
 Return the total memory allocated by the GC system.
FALCON_DYN_SYM void gcMemShutdown ()
 Call once Falcon is shut down.
FALCON_DYN_SYM void gcMemUnaccount (size_t memSize)
const StringgetMessage (uint32 id)
FALCON_DYN_SYM bool GetSystemEncoding (String &encoding)
 Determines the default encoding used on the system.
uint64 grabInt64 (void *data)
numeric grabNum (void *numMemory)
int64 loadInt64 (void *data)
numeric loadNum (void *data)
void mutex_lock (pthread_mutex_t &mtx)
void mutex_unlock (pthread_mutex_t &mtx)
CoreObjectOpaqueObjectFactory (const CoreClass *cls, void *data, bool bDeserializing)
 Factory function creating a standard non-shelled object.
void opcodeHandler_ADD (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_ADDS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_AND (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_ANDS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_BAND (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_BNOT (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_BOOL (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_BOR (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_BXOR (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_CALL (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_CLOS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_DEC (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_DECP (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_DIV (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_DIVS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_END (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_EQ (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_EVAL (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_FORB (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_FORK (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_GE (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_GENA (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_GEND (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_GENR (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_GEOR (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_GT (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_IFF (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_IFT (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_IN (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_INC (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_INCP (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_INDI (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_INST (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_IPOP (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_JMP (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_JTRY (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_LD (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_LDAS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_LDP (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_LDPT (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_LDRF (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_LDV (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_LDVT (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_LE (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_LNIL (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_LSB (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_LSTA (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_LT (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_LVAL (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_MOD (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_MODS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_MUL (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_MULS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_NEG (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_NEQ (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_NOIN (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_NOP (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_NOT (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_NOTS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_ONCE (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_OOB (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_OR (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_ORS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_PASS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_PEEK (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_POP (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_POW (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_POWS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_PROV (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_PSHL (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_PSHN (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_PSHR (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_PSIN (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_PTRY (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_PUSH (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_RET (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_RETA (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_RETV (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_RIS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_SELE (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_SHL (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_SHLS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_SHR (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_SHRS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_SJMP (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_SSTA (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_STEX (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_STO (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_STP (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_STPR (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_STPS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_STV (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_STVR (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_STVS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_SUB (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_SUBS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_SVAL (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_SWCH (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_TRAC (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_TRAL (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_TRAN (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_TRAV (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_TRDN (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_TRY (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_WRT (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_XORS (register VMachine *vm)
void opcodeHandler_XPOP (register VMachine *vm)
bool operator!= (const String &str1, const wchar_t *str2)
bool operator!= (const String &str1, const char *str2)
bool operator!= (const String &str1, const String &str2)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator!= (const Allocator< T1 > &one, const Allocator< T2 > &two) throw ()
Stream::t_status operator& (const Stream::t_status &elem1, const Stream::t_status &elem2)
 And operator on status bitfiled.
BaseFileStream::t_attributes operator& (BaseFileStream::t_attributes one, BaseFileStream::t_attributes two)
TimeStamp operator+ (const TimeStamp &ts1, const TimeStamp &ts2)
String operator+ (const String &str1, const wchar_t *str2)
String operator+ (const String &str1, const char *str2)
String operator+ (const wchar_t *str1, const String &str2)
String operator+ (const char *str1, const String &str2)
String operator+ (const String &str1, const String &str2)
TimeStamp operator- (const TimeStamp &ts1, const TimeStamp &ts2)
bool operator< (const String &str1, const wchar_t *str2)
bool operator< (const String &str1, const char *str2)
bool operator< (const String &str1, const String &str2)
bool operator<= (const String &str1, const wchar_t *str2)
bool operator<= (const String &str1, const char *str2)
bool operator<= (const String &str1, const String &str2)
bool operator== (const String &str1, const wchar_t *str2)
bool operator== (const String &str1, const char *str2)
bool operator== (const String &str1, const String &str2)
 Equality operator.
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator== (const Allocator< T1 > &one, const Allocator< T2 > &two) throw ()
bool operator> (const String &str1, const char *str2)
bool operator> (const String &str1, const wchar_t *str2)
bool operator> (const String &str1, const String &str2)
bool operator>= (const String &str1, const wchar_t *str2)
bool operator>= (const String &str1, const char *str2)
bool operator>= (const String &str1, const String &str2)
Stream::t_status operator^ (const Stream::t_status &elem1, const Stream::t_status &elem2)
 Xor operator on status bitfiled.
BaseFileStream::t_attributes operator^ (BaseFileStream::t_attributes one, BaseFileStream::t_attributes two)
Stream::t_status operator| (const Stream::t_status &elem1, const Stream::t_status &elem2)
 Or operator on status bitfiled.
BaseFileStream::t_attributes operator| (BaseFileStream::t_attributes one, BaseFileStream::t_attributes two)
Stream::t_status operator~ (const Stream::t_status &elem1)
 Not operator on status bitfiled.
CoreObjectReflectFalconFactory (const CoreClass *cls, void *user_data, bool)
 Factory function creating a full reflective FalconData object.
CoreObjectReflectOpaqueFactory (const CoreClass *cls, void *user_data, bool)
 Factory function creating a full reflective non-shelled object.
CoreObjectReflectSequenceFactory (const CoreClass *cls, void *user_data, bool)
 Factory function creating a full reflective Sequence object.
bool FALCON_DYN_SYM setEngineLanguage (const String &language)
 Sets the engine language.
bool setTable (StringTable *tab)
void StackFrame_deletor (void *data)
FALCON_DYN_SYM StreamstdErrorStream ()
 System specific error stream factory function.
FALCON_DYN_SYM StreamstdInputStream ()
 System specific input stream factory function.
FALCON_DYN_SYM StreamstdOutputStream ()
 System specific output stream factory function.
void string_deletor (void *data)
FALCON_DYN_SYM bool TranscodeFromString (const String &source, const String &encoding, String &target)
 Transcode an external text string into a Falcon string.
FALCON_DYN_SYM TranscoderTranscoderFactory (const String &encoding, Stream *stream=0, bool own=false)
 Creates a transcoder for the given encoding.
FALCON_DYN_SYM bool TranscodeString (const String &source, const String &encoding, String &target)
 Transcode a string into another.
CoreStringUTF8String (const char *utf8)
 Creates a String from an utf8 sequence on the fly.
typedef void (CDECL *ext_func_t)(VMachine *)


FALCON_DYN_SYM CommOpsTable CommOpsDict []
FALCON_DYN_SYM StringTableengineStrings
FALCON_DYN_SYM void *(* gcAlloc )(size_t)
FALCON_DYN_SYM void(* gcFree )(void *)
FALCON_DYN_SYM void *(* gcRealloc )(void *, size_t)
HeapMem Heap
FALCON_DYN_SYM void *(* memAlloc )(size_t)
FALCON_DYN_SYM void(* memFree )(void *)
FALCON_DYN_SYM void *(* memRealloc )(void *, size_t)
SmallMemBlockAlloc SMBA
class FALCON_DYN_SYM StringTable

Detailed Description


Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned char Falcon::byte

typedef unsigned char* Falcon::bytearray

typedef void** Falcon::CommOpsTable

typedef char* Falcon::cstring

typedef Module*(CDECL * Falcon::ext_mod_init)()

typedef short int Falcon::int16

typedef int Falcon::int32

typedef long long int Falcon::int64

typedef char Falcon::int8

typedef double Falcon::numeric

typedef CoreObject*(* Falcon::ObjectFactory)(const CoreClass *cls, void *user_data, bool bDeserializing)

Defines the core object factory function type.

This factory function is used by core classes to create an object of the appropriate type.

cls The class that is generating the givenn object.
user_data A data that is to be stored in the object instance.
deserializing true to prevent object structure initialization (it will be read from a somewhere else afterwards).

typedef void(* Falcon::reflectionFunc)(CoreObject *instance, void *user_data, Item &property, const PropEntry &entry)

Callback function for reflective properties needing complete reflection.

It is possible to give complete reflection to properties by assigning the VarDef (definition of the property type) a reflection function.

When a configureFrom/configureTo is explicitly asked, or if the user data is reflective, this function may be called to configure the property value.

instance The object were the user_data to be reflected is stored. The virtual machine that is involved in the operation can be retreived from there; errors on variable type or conditional read only settings can be enforced by raising on this VM.
user_data The data on which reflection is going to be performed. It is not necessarily the user_data stored inside the instance, as the model allows to get or set reflective data also from/to external sources.
property The property to be set or to get the setting from. When retreiving, the property is the original item that will be copied in the final property on success. When setting, it's the phisical property in the object to be set by this method.
entry The entry descriptor indicating the property that has been called.
When setting the value, should return false if the value is incompatible with the final object data structure (that is, if a parameter error should have been raised on the virtual machine).

typedef void Falcon::reflectionFuncDecl(CoreObject *instance, void *user_data, Item &property, const PropEntry &entry)

typedef Refcounter< Hstring > Falcon::StringRef

typedef void(* Falcon::tOpcodeHandler)(register VMachine *)

typedef unsigned short int Falcon::uint16

typedef unsigned int Falcon::uint32

typedef unsigned long long int Falcon::uint64

typedef void* Falcon::voidp

Enumeration Type Documentation


Reflection type enumeration.

Determines how reflective properties are accounted for.


tz_NFT  Norfolk (Island) Time UTC + 11:30 hours.
tz_ACDT  Australian Central Daylight Time UTC + 10:30 hours.
tz_ACST  Australian Central Standard Time UTC + 9:30 hours.
tz_HAT  Advanced time of Terre-Neuve UTC - 2:30 hours.
tz_NST  Newfoundland Standard Time UTC - 3:30 hours.
tz_NONE  No zone.

Used for date differences

Function Documentation

FALCON_DYN_SYM Stream* Falcon::AddSystemEOL ( Stream *  underlying,
bool  own = true 

Adds just the sytem default EOL transcoding policy.

int32 Falcon::atomicDec ( volatile int32 &  data  )  [inline]

Performs an atomic thread safe decrement.

int32 Falcon::atomicInc ( volatile int32 &  data  )  [inline]

Performs an atomic thread safe increment.

typedef Falcon::bool ( CDECL *  ext_func_frame_t  ) 

FALCON_DYN_SYM uint32 Falcon::calcCstrHash ( const char *  cstring  ) 

uint32 Falcon::calcIntHash ( const int32  number  )  [inline]

References flc_HASH_SEED.

FALCON_DYN_SYM uint32 Falcon::calcMemHash ( const char *  memory,
uint32  size 

FALCON_DYN_SYM uint32 Falcon::calcStringHash ( const String &  string  ) 

int Falcon::charToHex ( const char  elem  )  [inline]

void Falcon::ContextList_deletor ( void *   ) 

FALCON_DYN_SYM Module* Falcon::core_module_init (  ) 

template<class _T >
CoreObject* Falcon::CoreCarrier_Factory ( const CoreClass *  cls,
void *  data,
) [inline]

bool Falcon::coreslot_broadcast_internal ( VMachine *  vm  ) 

CoreObject* Falcon::CoreSlotFactory ( const CoreClass *  cls,
void *  user_data,
bool  bDeserial 

CoreObject* Falcon::CRFalconFactory ( const CoreClass *  cls,
void *  user_data,
bool  bDeserial 

Factory function creating a partially reflective FalconData object.

If data is provided, it will be set as a FalconData object in a fully reflective class.

Being a FalconData, the user data will participate in the life of the reflector object, i.e. being cloned, GC marked or destroyed with its owner.

This is the default factory functions for classes presenting some of their properties as reflective.

CoreObject* Falcon::CROpaqueFactory ( const CoreClass *  cls,
void *  user_data,
bool  bDeserial 

Factory function creating a partially reflective non-shelled object.

If data is provided, it will be set as an opaque object in a fully reflective class.

The user_data will be considered opaque and will not take part in object-wide actions (GC marking, destruction, cloning and so on).

CoreObject* Falcon::CRSequenceFactory ( const CoreClass *  cls,
void *  user_data,
bool  bDeserial 

Factory function creating a partially reflective Sequence object.

If data is provided, it will be set as a Sequence object in a partially reflective class.

Being a derived from a FalconData, the user data will participate in the life of the reflector object, i.e. being cloned, GC marked or destroyed with its owner.

void Falcon::cv_broadcast ( pthread_cond_t &  cv  )  [inline]

References fassert.

void Falcon::cv_wait ( pthread_cond_t &  cv,
pthread_mutex_t &  mtx 
) [inline]

References fassert.

FALCON_DYN_SYM Stream* Falcon::DefaultTextTranscoder ( Stream *  underlying,
bool  own = true 

Default text converter.

Depending on the system, this method will wrap the underlying stream in a EOL transcoder or it will just return it.

FALCON_DYN_SYM void* Falcon::DflAccountMemAlloc ( size_t  amount  ) 

FALCON_DYN_SYM void Falcon::DflAccountMemFree ( void *  mem  ) 

FALCON_DYN_SYM void* Falcon::DflAccountMemRealloc ( void *  mem,
size_t  amount 

FALCON_DYN_SYM void* Falcon::DflMemAlloc ( size_t  amount  ) 

FALCON_DYN_SYM void Falcon::DflMemFree ( void *  mem  ) 

FALCON_DYN_SYM void* Falcon::DflMemRealloc ( void *  mem,
size_t  amount 

template<typename rtype_ptr , typename stype >
rtype_ptr Falcon::dyncast ( stype *  pSource  )  [inline]

References fassert.

uint16 Falcon::endianInt16 ( const uint16  param  )  [inline]

uint32 Falcon::endianInt32 ( const uint32  param  )  [inline]

uint64 Falcon::endianInt64 ( const uint64  param  )  [inline]

numeric Falcon::endianNum ( const numeric &  param  )  [inline]

References grabNum().

const String& Falcon::errorDesc ( int  errorCode  ) 

Returns the description of a falcon error.

In case the error ID is not found, a sensible message will be returned.

CoreObject* Falcon::FalconObjectFactory ( const CoreClass *  cls,
void *  data,
bool  bDeserializing 

Factory function creating a standard complete FalconObject.

If data is provided, it will be cast to a FalconData (standard minimal carrier instance known by the system) and set in the returned FalconObject.

This is the default factory type set for all the classes which doesn't provide property level reflectivity.

CoreObject* Falcon::FalconSequenceFactory ( const CoreClass *  cls,
void *  data,
bool  bDeserializing 

Factory function creating a standard complete FalconObject and holding a sequence.

If data is provided, it will be cast to a Sequence (FalconData with sequential access facilities) and set in the returned FalconObject.

FALCON_DYN_SYM void Falcon::gcMemAccount ( size_t  memSize  ) 

Account allocated memory.

Allocators creating Falcon object should call this function to inform the GC system of the memory they are consuming, and so, the memory that may be freed if they are reclaimed.

Global functions Falcon::gcAlloc(), Falcon::gcRealloc() and Falcon::gcFree() call automatically this account function. Garbageable objects are derived by a base class that automatically calls this functions.

FALCON_DYN_SYM size_t Falcon::gcMemAllocated (  ) 

Return the total memory allocated by the GC system.

FALCON_DYN_SYM void Falcon::gcMemShutdown (  ) 

Call once Falcon is shut down.

FALCON_DYN_SYM void Falcon::gcMemUnaccount ( size_t  memSize  ) 

const String& Falcon::getMessage ( uint32  id  ) 

FALCON_DYN_SYM bool Falcon::GetSystemEncoding ( String &  encoding  ) 

Determines the default encoding used on the system.

On success, the parameter is filled with the name of an encoding that can be instantiated through TranscodeFactory(). If the function is not able to determine the default system encoding, false is returned. The transparent "byte" encoding is never returned. It is supposed that, on failure the caller should decide whether to use the "byte" encoding or take a sensible action.

However, "byte" encoding is returned if system encoding is detected to be "C" or "POSIX".

encoding on success will be filled with a FALCON encoding name
true on success, false if the encoding used on the system cannot be determined.

uint64 Falcon::grabInt64 ( void *  data  )  [inline]

numeric Falcon::grabNum ( void *  numMemory  )  [inline]

Referenced by endianNum().

int64 Falcon::loadInt64 ( void *  data  )  [inline]

numeric Falcon::loadNum ( void *  data  )  [inline]

void Falcon::mutex_lock ( pthread_mutex_t &  mtx  )  [inline]

References fassert.

void Falcon::mutex_unlock ( pthread_mutex_t &  mtx  )  [inline]

References fassert.

CoreObject* Falcon::OpaqueObjectFactory ( const CoreClass *  cls,
void *  data,
bool  bDeserializing 

Factory function creating a standard non-shelled object.

If data is provided, it will be set as an opaque object in a standard non reflective FalconObject instance.

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_ADD ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_ADDS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_AND ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_ANDS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_BAND ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_BNOT ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_BOOL ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_BOR ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_BXOR ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_CALL ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_CLOS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_DEC ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_DECP ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_DIV ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_DIVS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_END ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

END opcode terminates current coroutine or current virtual machine execution.

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_EQ ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_EVAL ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_FORB ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_FORK ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_GE ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_GENA ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_GEND ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_GENR ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_GEOR ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_GT ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_IFF ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_IFT ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_IN ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_INC ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_INCP ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_INDI ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_INST ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_IPOP ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_JMP ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_JTRY ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_LD ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_LDAS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_LDP ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_LDPT ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_LDRF ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_LDV ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_LDVT ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_LE ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_LNIL ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_LSB ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_LSTA ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_LT ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_LVAL ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_MOD ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_MODS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_MUL ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_MULS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_NEG ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_NEQ ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_NOIN ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_NOP ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_NOT ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_NOTS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_ONCE ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_OOB ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_OR ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_ORS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_PASS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_PEEK ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_POP ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_POW ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_POWS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_PROV ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_PSHL ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_PSHN ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_PSHR ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_PSIN ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_PTRY ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_PUSH ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_RET ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_RETA ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_RETV ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_RIS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_SELE ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_SHL ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_SHLS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_SHR ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_SHRS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_SJMP ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_SSTA ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_STEX ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_STO ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_STP ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_STPR ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_STPS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_STV ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_STVR ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_STVS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_SUB ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_SUBS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_SVAL ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_SWCH ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_TRAC ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_TRAL ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_TRAN ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_TRAV ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_TRDN ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_TRY ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_WRT ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_XORS ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

void Falcon::opcodeHandler_XPOP ( register VMachine *  vm  ) 

bool Falcon::operator!= ( const String &  str1,
const wchar_t *  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator!= ( const String &  str1,
const char *  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator!= ( const String &  str1,
const String &  str2 
) [inline]

template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool Falcon::operator!= ( const Allocator< T1 > &  one,
const Allocator< T2 > &  two 
) throw () [inline]

Stream::t_status Falcon::operator& ( const Stream::t_status &  elem1,
const Stream::t_status &  elem2 
) [inline]

And operator on status bitfiled.

This is to allow integer oinline processing on enum fields in Stream class.

BaseFileStream::t_attributes Falcon::operator& ( BaseFileStream::t_attributes  one,
BaseFileStream::t_attributes  two 
) [inline]

TimeStamp Falcon::operator+ ( const TimeStamp &  ts1,
const TimeStamp &  ts2 
) [inline]

String Falcon::operator+ ( const String &  str1,
const wchar_t *  str2 
) [inline]

String Falcon::operator+ ( const String &  str1,
const char *  str2 
) [inline]

String Falcon::operator+ ( const wchar_t *  str1,
const String &  str2 
) [inline]

String Falcon::operator+ ( const char *  str1,
const String &  str2 
) [inline]

String Falcon::operator+ ( const String &  str1,
const String &  str2 
) [inline]

TimeStamp Falcon::operator- ( const TimeStamp &  ts1,
const TimeStamp &  ts2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator< ( const String &  str1,
const wchar_t *  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator< ( const String &  str1,
const char *  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator< ( const String &  str1,
const String &  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator<= ( const String &  str1,
const wchar_t *  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator<= ( const String &  str1,
const char *  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator<= ( const String &  str1,
const String &  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator== ( const String &  str1,
const wchar_t *  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator== ( const String &  str1,
const char *  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator== ( const String &  str1,
const String &  str2 
) [inline]

Equality operator.

References Falcon::String::compare().

template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool Falcon::operator== ( const Allocator< T1 > &  one,
const Allocator< T2 > &  two 
) throw () [inline]

bool Falcon::operator> ( const String &  str1,
const char *  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator> ( const String &  str1,
const wchar_t *  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator> ( const String &  str1,
const String &  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator>= ( const String &  str1,
const wchar_t *  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator>= ( const String &  str1,
const char *  str2 
) [inline]

bool Falcon::operator>= ( const String &  str1,
const String &  str2 
) [inline]

Stream::t_status Falcon::operator^ ( const Stream::t_status &  elem1,
const Stream::t_status &  elem2 
) [inline]

Xor operator on status bitfiled.

This is to allow integer oinline processing on enum fields in Stream class.

BaseFileStream::t_attributes Falcon::operator^ ( BaseFileStream::t_attributes  one,
BaseFileStream::t_attributes  two 
) [inline]

Stream::t_status Falcon::operator| ( const Stream::t_status &  elem1,
const Stream::t_status &  elem2 
) [inline]

Or operator on status bitfiled.

This is to allow integer oinline processing on enum fields in Stream class.

BaseFileStream::t_attributes Falcon::operator| ( BaseFileStream::t_attributes  one,
BaseFileStream::t_attributes  two 
) [inline]

Stream::t_status Falcon::operator~ ( const Stream::t_status &  elem1  )  [inline]

Not operator on status bitfiled.

This is to allow integer oinline processing on enum fields in Stream class.

CoreObject* Falcon::ReflectFalconFactory ( const CoreClass *  cls,
void *  user_data,

Factory function creating a full reflective FalconData object.

If data is provided, it will be set as a FalconData object in a fully reflective class.

Being a FalconData, the user data will participate in the life of the reflector object, i.e. being cloned, GC marked or destroyed with its owner.

This is the default factory functions for classes presenting all their properties as reflective.

CoreObject* Falcon::ReflectOpaqueFactory ( const CoreClass *  cls,
void *  user_data,

Factory function creating a full reflective non-shelled object.

If data is provided, it will be set as an opaque object in a fully reflective class.

All the properties in the generator class must provide reflectivity. The user_data will be considered opaque and will not take part in object-wide actions (GC marking, destruction, cloning and so on).

CoreObject* Falcon::ReflectSequenceFactory ( const CoreClass *  cls,
void *  user_data,

Factory function creating a full reflective Sequence object.

If data is provided, it will be set as a Sequence object in a fully reflective class.

Being a derived from a FalconData, the user data will participate in the life of the reflector object, i.e. being cloned, GC marked or destroyed with its owner.

bool FALCON_DYN_SYM Falcon::setEngineLanguage ( const String &  language  ) 

Sets the engine language.

Searches the given language definition in ISO format (i.e. en_US or it_IT) in the string tables that the engine uses as message source. The string table may be built in or searched on the disk *TODO*.

bool Falcon::setTable ( StringTable *  tab  ) 

void Falcon::StackFrame_deletor ( void *  data  ) 

FALCON_DYN_SYM Stream* Falcon::stdErrorStream (  ) 

System specific error stream factory function.

FALCON_DYN_SYM Stream* Falcon::stdInputStream (  ) 

System specific input stream factory function.

This function will return a text oriented input stream.

FALCON_DYN_SYM Stream* Falcon::stdOutputStream (  ) 

System specific output stream factory function.

void Falcon::string_deletor ( void *  data  ) 

FALCON_DYN_SYM bool Falcon::TranscodeFromString ( const String &  source,
const String &  encoding,
String &  target 

Transcode an external text string into a Falcon string.

This is a convenience function that transcodes a source string into a target string. The target string is a Falcon string that will accept data a foreign, text encoded string transcoding.

The target string must be re-encoded into something else before being written into a text oriented file.

source a text encoded source string
encoding the encoding that is used in the source string
target the target string.
false if the target encoding is not supported.

FALCON_DYN_SYM Transcoder* Falcon::TranscoderFactory ( const String &  encoding,
Stream *  stream = 0,
bool  own = false 

Creates a transcoder for the given encoding.

If the encoding is not recognized or not supported, null is returned.

The function can be called without having the stream ready to be sure that a certain encoding is supported before opening the stream. After that, the returned transcoder must be given a stream with the setStream method as soon as possible.

encoding the ISO encoding name for which to build a transcoder
stream optional stream that shall be used by the created transcoder
own set to true if the given stream should be owned (and destroyed) by the transcoder.

FALCON_DYN_SYM bool Falcon::TranscodeString ( const String &  source,
const String &  encoding,
String &  target 

Transcode a string into another.

This is a convenience function that transcodes a source string into a target string. The target string is given a byte manipulator; this means that both the embedders and the scripts will be able to access every byte in the resulting string.

The target string can be written as-is on a stream and the resulting output will respect the format specified by the selected encoding.

source the Falcon string to be encoded
encoding the name of the target encoding
target the target where the string will be encoded
false if the target encoding is not supported.

CoreString* Falcon::UTF8String ( const char *  utf8  )  [inline]

Creates a String from an utf8 sequence on the fly.

This is a proxy constructor for String. The string data is bufferized, so the sequence needs not to be valid after this call.

this function returns a valid string also if the utf8 paramter is not a valid utf8 sequence. If there is the need for error detection, use String::fromUTF8 instead.
See also:
utf8 the sequence
a string containing the decoded sequence

References Falcon::String::fromUTF8().

typedef Falcon::void ( CDECL *  ext_func_t  ) 

Variable Documentation

FALCON_DYN_SYM void*(* Falcon::gcAlloc)(size_t)

FALCON_DYN_SYM void(* Falcon::gcFree)(void *)

FALCON_DYN_SYM void*(* Falcon::gcRealloc)(void *, size_t)

FALCON_DYN_SYM void*(* Falcon::memAlloc)(size_t)

FALCON_DYN_SYM void(* Falcon::memFree)(void *)

FALCON_DYN_SYM MemPool* Falcon::memPool

FALCON_DYN_SYM void*(* Falcon::memRealloc)(void *, size_t)

class FALCON_DYN_SYM Falcon::StringTable

Generated on Mon Oct 19 10:11:31 2009 for Falcon_Core by  doxygen 1.5.8